2023-05-06 GraphQL ❤️ SQLite
2023-03-31 (Re)Learning AWK with ChatGPT
2022-06-29 Hypermedia driven micro frontends
2022-01-28 How I fell in love with low-js
2022-01-18 Tailwind CSS vs Pico CSS
2021-12-29 Speed is a feature; thoughts on modern web performance
2021-12-19 Trying Out Remix
2021-09-12 Running amd64 docker images with Podman on Apple Silicon (M1)
2021-06-27 Trying out Prometheus
2021-04-15 Trying out Microk8s
2021-04-14 Trying out Rancher
2021-02-27 Trying out Okteto Cloud
2021-02-22 Trying out Okteto (CLI)
2021-02-07 Trying out Buffalo
2020-10-17 Attaching your local machine to a Kubernetes cluster
2020-06-07 Surprising ease of gaming on Linux in 2020
2020-04-20 Rename rebase with git
2020-01-15 Moving to Hugo
2018-05-25 Linear time sorting
2018-01-25 Integrating Jira into Google Sheets

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