2018-01-24 NixOS install & labor pains
2017-09-01 Implementing apply on tuples in Scala
2017-08-30 Dockerless Services (with Nix)
2016-09-21 TDD-ing a toy sized project
2016-02-24 Repairing a corrupt Git repo using a clone
2015-05-03 Lazy unary numbers
2015-05-02 Cheap tagged types in Scala
2014-10-05 Approaches to designing a Haskell API
2014-05-03 Static linking with GHC on ArchLinux
2014-04-14 Coroutines for free
2014-03-07 Practical Future[Option[A]] in Scala
2014-02-23 Comparing Haskell Web Frameworks
2014-02-17 Product and sum types (Go and Haskell)
2014-01-08 Hakyll
2013-10-18 Virtual machine in C++
2013-09-04 Setting up for better Scala development on Android
2013-01-27 750 words
2013-01-27 Chaining implicit conversion in scala
2013-01-27 Generic singletons through dependent method types
2013-01-27 Monadic IO with ScalaZ

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