Pretty function composition in scala and asynchronous function composition on android
Surjective composition: the first function need not be surjective. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Function composition is a nice way to sequence transformations on data. For example in a compiler you take your source, parse, check, optimize and generate code(in a nutshell). It’s a linear series of transformations -> perfect for function composition In Haskell you can use this beautiful syntax
leaving out the parameters and noting composition as “.” which kinda looks like ° used in math(if you squint a bit). In scala you could do something like
Nearly there, I just want it to look a bit prettier. (Compose is a method defined on Function1 trait) So I define an implicit conversion from function to “composable”
implicit def function2composable[A,B](f: A=>B) = new AnyRef{
def -->[C](g: B=>C) = v => g(f(c))
This creates an object and reimplements “compose” but I really like the syntax:
compile = parse --> check --> optimize --> codegen
Functional programming
can be imagined as a waterfall of data,
flowing from one function into the next, and the -->
represents this nicely. Let’s go a step further. If the composition is
one-off, and this is a waterfall of
DATA it could be nice to
represent that. Something like
So now I’m taking a value and sending it through black boxes. Very nice. Apart from the fact it doesn’t work(yet!).
Scala’s awesome compiler can handle two implicit conversions with same method names. Nice. You can even mix and match
This does the composition of parse, check and optimize into an anonymous function, applies it to the source and then applies codegen to it’s result.
Goin async
What about asynchronous calls? Can I compose those too? I think it’s possible with Lift actors(or with scalaz’s?), but I needed to integrate that into Android’s activities quite recently. Well I did not need to do it, but it was quite a nice solution.
The usual way of doing things async in Android is with the conveniently named AsyncTask. The problem is - you can’t subclass it in scala because of some compiler bug regarding varargs parameters. Silly.
So let’s do a lightweight(in terms of code) substitution. We can “spawn a thread” using scala’s actors. And activity can receive messages through a Handler.
So in an activity that mixes in MessageHandler I can post messages to my self. And I can do it async since Handler is thread safe
Not the most concise way to write it, but I believe the most clear one. Method doExpensiveWork is done in the background so it doesn’t block UI and it posts the result back as a message.
Async composition - finally
What I want to do now is use function composition to do something like
In other words, do “waterfall composition” in background using some input I have now and post the result back into the UI thread to method displayResults. That should be the magic of the -!> operator. Do the left side in bg and post it to the right side async. I need a new trait for that
The trick here is using by-name parameters in the implicit conversion. This delays the execution of a(which in example above would be a waterfall and moves it into a worker thread.
Last modified on 2012-09-17
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